Positive Hormonal Manipulation Via Resistance Training
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For your resistance training, this means a program that includes the following:
Shorter rest periods between sets (no more than a minute, less if you can). Don’t rush the performance of the exercise itself but you want to limit your rest period between sets and exercises.
Include intensity techniques such as supersets, tri-sets, drop sets, complexes, multi-rep rest/pause and end of set partials. These all help to boost the intensity of the exercises, release more growth hormone, boost your metabolism and keep your rest periods short.
Keep in mind, as I mentioned in the very beginning, the short rest periods mentioned here aren’t a hard and fast, gotta do it 100% of the time rule. There is definitely a place for strength training as well. We’ll talk more about this in the future!
In order to take advantage of the right hormonal environment for fat burning, you need to include resistance training intervals, metabolic conditioning, and specific training techniques, as the center piece of your program.
Numerous studies have shown that high intensity training (both resistance training and high intensity interval cardio training) can keep your metabolism elevated for up to 39 hours after your workout is over.
The National Institute of Occupational Health, department of physiology in Oslo Norway published a study showing low intensity exercise (defined as 65% of maximum heart rate for less than 1 hour) generated a total epoc of five calories.
In contrast, intense exercise (defined as 85% of maximum heart rate or higher) generated epoc of up to 180 calories burned.
Another study on resistance training showed a 4% to 7% increase in metabolic rate over a 24 hour period. While this may seem small, it equals an extra 80 to 140 calories burned for a 2000 calorie per day metabolic rate after every weight training session. And it can get much better than this (more on that in a moment).
More importantly, is the permanent boost of your metabolic rate for each pound of muscle that you gain. Various studies have shown that you gain anywhere from 10 to 50 calories or more per day for each pound of lean muscle you build.
While this may seem small it adds up all over time. Let’s say you build 10 pounds of muscle and we’ll use a lower end number of 20 calories burned per pound of lean muscle mass you gain. That equals a metabolic boost of about 200 calories per day.
That equals 1,400 calories burned per week, basically on autopilot, because of your new lean muscle mass. There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat.
Over a 10 week period you would burn additional 14,000 calories. This equals a 4 pound fat loss in that 10 weeks. That is 20 pounds of fat lost over one year.
Keep in mind, that’s the “extra” fat burned, not including the fat loss you generate from your calories burned during exercise and your nutritional plan.
The more intense your workouts and the more muscle you build, the higher your metabolic rate will be and the more fat you will lose.
This will also make it easier to keep the fat off for the long-term.
In other words, train intensely enough, and you’ll be burning fat while doing nothing. Not a bad deal, for a brief period of working hard.
Here are some numbers from a couple of different workouts.
The first was a 300 style workout challenge, not something you’ll do every day (you’ll quickly over train and burn out!), but you van see the metabolism boosting power of an intense, yet relatively short workout.
The workout was finished in 26 minutes and 24 seconds, burning a killer 354 calories in that time, a whopping 13.4 calories per minute!
That’s awesome enough but here’s the better bonus – for the rest of the hour (while doing nothing) – an additional 392 calories (that’s in 33 minutes and 36 seconds), or 11.7 calories per minute, were burned!
To keep that in perspective, calorie expenditure in the morning, while sitting at a computer, can be as little 1.5 to 2 calories per minute.
As you can see, with the right type of workout, you can boost your metabolism and burn a lot of calories, even when you aren’t working out.
In another workout, a more traditional style routine, 314 calories were burned in a workout lasting 31 minutes and 35 seconds. For a total of an hour, 500 calories (doing nothing the last 28 minutes and 25 seconds were burned).
In comparison, a typical 160 pound person burns about 200 calories when walking for an hour with no EPOC (you don’t get a metabolism boosting bonus for the next 24 to 39 hours like you do with intense training).
You will burn more calories during the actual routine.
Your body’s metabolism will stay elevated long after the workout, burning more calories at rest, and helping to melt the body fat away.
The increased lean muscle will permanently boost your metabolism.
It’s not just about burning calories during the workout, it’s about boosting your metabolism after the workout, as well as giving it a long term boost, and through proper training and nutrition mechanisms to positively affect hormones in a way that allows the body to burn more fat, eliminate the need to carry excess fat and improve overall health and body function.
So what kind of workouts do you need to be performing to take advantage of these different avenues of fat loss?
You want to utilize resistance training through tools such as free weights, machines, kettlebells and bodyweight exercises. You want to use high intensity interval training, metabolic conditioning workouts and even traditional cardio.
But as you’ve seen with the length of the workouts above, this does not mean spending hours in a gym.
The second workout above included weight training, metabolic conditioning/interval training AND traditional cardio on a stationary bike and the entire workout took 31 minutes!
And this particular workout can be done at home with a minimal amount of equipment (more about this below).
Please understand that utilizing a program that will give you maximum (and long lasting) results takes more than just “working out hard” a few days per week.
Properly designed workouts may involve shorter rest periods between sets (no more than a minute, less if you can). Don’t rush the performance of the exercise itself but you want to limit your rest period between sets and exercises.
They may include intensity techniques such as:
- short rest periods
- long “sets”
- supersets
- tri-sets
- drop sets
- complexes
- multi-rep rest/pause
- end of set partials
- density training
- metabolic conditioning
- traditional cardio
- Tabata protocols
- interval training
- multi-rep rest/pause/drop
- and more!
These all help to boost the intensity of the exercises, release more growth hormone, boost your metabolism, take advantage of cortisol release and its negative feedback loop.
They will also help to promote fat burning by increasing the rate of energy production. A higher level of energy turnover (metabolism) forces the body into a state of far burning.
When muscles suffer micro trauma (the muscle tears caused by resistance training) the body utilizes energy, specifically stored body fat, in the recovery process.
Okay, it’s time to talk a little bit more about the training techniques for some serious fat burning, muscle building and overall body transformation.
Let’s review a bit.
Properly designed workouts may involve shorter rest periods between sets (no more than a minute, less if you can). Don’t rush the performance of the exercise itself but you want to limit your rest period between sets and exercises.
The list of training techniques above all help to boost the intensity of the exercises, release more growth hormone, boost your metabolism, take advantage of cortisol release and its negative feedback loop.
They will also help to promote fat burning by increasing the rate of energy production. A higher level of energy turnover (metabolism) forces the body into a state of far burning. When muscles suffer micro trauma (the muscle tears caused by resistance training) the body utilizes energy, specifically stored body fat, in the recovery process.
We also want to utilize high intensity interval training as well.
When it comes to fat burning, interval training is very similar to weight training. Performing high intensity sprints (or even better, up hill sprints), you create micro tears and muscle trauma similar to that of a weight training leg workout.
So your body continues to burn body fat via a higher metabolic rate, for the same reasons (mentioned above) as an intense weight training session.
High intensity interval training will help you burn fat faster and with much less overall training time. Even so, most people today still perform endless amounts of low intensity aerobic and wonder why they aren’t making the fat loss progress they want.
This may happen for two reasons.
- Most people still aren’t aware of the fat burning potential of high intensity interval training (HIIT).
- This type of cardio fat loss training is very hard work. It’s much easier to walk on a treadmill or spin a stationary bike for an hour than it is to do 10 or 15 minutes of interval training.
With a typical aerobics fat burning program you perform your exercise (treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical trainer, etc.) in a steady state manner at around 60 – 75% of your max heart rate. Usually, your sessions last 30 minutes to an hour and a half.
With interval training your workout sessions are much shorter and you can add a lot more variety into your program. High intensity interval training is just like it sounds. You alternate all out exercise with active rest.
Always warm up before starting your intervals. If you’re not in the best of shape break into it lightly, starting with more low or moderate intensity cardio. You might also want to check with your doctor. No sense in getting hurt right when you start your interval training.
You will:
- Burn more calories by elevating your metabolism so you lose fat faster.
- Increase your power.
- Increase your speed.
- Increase your endurance.
No matter what your fitness goals, interval training is one of the best ways of helping you achieve them. And the variations are endless.
You can vary the training parameters (exercise to rest ratio, number of intervals) to make the workouts harder or easier, depending on what you are trying to accomplish.
You can also use any number of exercises for your training, such as:
- Cycling
- Sprinting
- Treadmill
- Elliptical Trainers
- Jump Rope (awesome!)
- Rope Climbing
- Hill Sprints
- and more!
Don’t continue doing endless hours of aerobics that aren’t helping you reach your goals anyway. Get more out of your cardio workouts by performing high intensity interval training.
Keep in mind, high intensity interval training is almost like a weight workout for your legs so you need to be careful about over training.
Another great option, since typical interval training mostly involves the lower body (such as sprinting, or using the stationary bike) is interval training using bodyweight exercises.
This is known as metabolic conditioning and it’s a fantastic way to achieve all your fitness goals, from burning fat, building muscle, getting lean and even being in fantastic shape.
And that brings us to a few sample routines. This entire workout took less than 32 minutes.
Decline Barbell Bench Press 4 x 10
Barbell Deadlift 4 x 10
These are done using the same weight for all 4 sets, with only 30 seconds rest between sets.
The following uses 20 seconds of all out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest.
20 Seconds – Push Ups
10 Seconds – Rest
20 Seconds – Jump Squat
10 Seconds – Rest
20 Seconds – Plank
10 Seconds – Rest
20 Seconds – Burpees
10 Seconds – Rest
20 Seconds – Mountain Climbers
10 Seconds – Rest
20 Seconds – Elbow/Hand Push Ups
10 Seconds – Rest
20 Seconds – Jumping Jacks
10 Seconds – Rest
20 Seconds – Squats
10 Seconds – Rest
After a 2 to 3 minute rest hit some simple cardio, either a stationary bike, treadmill, or even walking, for 10 to 12 minutes.
Here’s a weight training workout that is very effective.
Rest two minutes after each circuit and perform the noted number of circuits. The number of circuits to perform and the reps per exercise will be noted above the exercises as such: 2X (10 reps) which means perform the circuit twice and do 10 reps for each exercise.
Pick a weight that allows you to get all the reps. If you can perform all 10 reps on the last circuit add a little weight the next workout.
If you can not get all 10 on the final circuit, use the same weight next workout and try to improve on your performance.
2x (10 reps)
A1. Decline Bench Press
A2. Squat
A3. Curl Grip Pulldown
2x (10 reps)
B1. Deadlift
B2. DB Upright Rows
B3. Leg Press
Utilizing routines like the above, and techniques like those mentioned at the beginning of this report, allows you to attack fat loss from a variety of angles including hormonal, as well as increased energy turnover, as well as increased fat utilization within the cell’s mitochondria.
Improved fat utilization and accelerated fat loss involves training such as strength, speed, explosiveness, and endurance, which can be accomplished via specific training protocols and techniques.
Okay, it’s time to talk a little bit more about the nutritional strategies for some serious fat burning, muscle building and overall body transformation.
Let’s review a bit.
If you want to be successful in your fitness goals, whether it’s dropping 10 pounds, getting six pack abs, or losing 80 pounds, you MUST follow a good nutrition program. Good nutrition OR a workout program isn’t going to cut it. You need both. As the saying goes, you can’t out train a bad diet.
A lot of people go on diets, don’t exercise and they lose some weight. But they just look like a smaller version of their out of shape bigger self. And they usually gain it all back because it’s almost impossible to lose weight and keep it off with nutrition alone.
Many people start exercising and think this gives them a license to eat whatever they want so their body never changes, or they even ADD more fat to it!
Take a look around your gym. How many regulars have really changed how they look? Is that what you want? I didn’t think so.
I’m going to give you some important nutrition secrets you need to follow in your quest for health and awesome abs.
You want to drop your body fat levels, produce quality lean muscle gains, be healthy and get fit, right? Then you must adhere to a good nutritional program. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. You need to feed your body the nutrients necessary to make and maintain those kinds of changes in your body.
When you adopt an exercise program your body needs even better nutrition to feed it. Working out is NOT a license for junk food (except on Treat Day, of course!)!
I HIGHLY recommend you start with the Fat Loss Jump Start Diet below. This can last one to two weeks.
Start on a Sunday with a treat day and then jump into the Fat Loss Jump Start Diet.