

How to Get Really Fit and Stay Fit

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Getting really fit isn’t typically seen as something that as easy to do.

If it was, so many people wouldn’t struggle with it every day.

Getting fit also involves different aspects of your life.

You not only have to exercise, but you also have to diet as well.

With this in mind, let’s look at some basic facts that anyone who wants to get really fit and stay fit should know.

It All Starts with Diet

Even though getting fit is usually thought of as being a mixture of both diet and exercise.

The truth is that if you were to break down into percentages, getting fit involves 80% diet and 20% exercise.

At the end of the day, you can exercise all you want, but you can’t out exercise a bad diet.

So, if your main hang-up is finding time to exercise, then the good news is that you can still get very fit just by dieting. Supplement that with some basic exercise and you will be in really good shape.

Obviously, if you want to get a lot of muscle or get really toned, then exercise takes on more importance.

But even then, it still doesn’t become as important as diet.

Focus On A Simple Exercise Regimen

A lot of exercise regimens online are overly complex.

They require you to learn a bunch of different routines and buy a bunch of different equipment.

There’s a simple exercise regimen that everyone can do in their own home that will get them in good shape and not require huge investments of time or money.

Simply start with some stretching to get your muscles loose.

Then, do a heavy bout of good cardio (running on a treadmill, running down your street, etc.).

Then do a set of resistance training (like lunges, resistance band exercise, and other, similar exercises).

Then cool off with some very light exercise like a light jog, some yoga, or something similar.

Do this set a few times a week and you will be in good shape in no time.

No need to try out a hundred different intense exercise routines either.

Embrace Lifestyle Changes

Much like you can’t out exercise a bad diet, you can’t out exercise a bad lifestyle.

At the end of the day, if you want to stay fit, you have to get used to small lifestyle changes that can have a really positive impact on your life.

For example, learn to start taking the stairs whenever you can.

Learn to walk places instead of driving.

How To Set A Fitness Goal

Learning how to set a fitness goal the right way is key to your success.

So many people get a burst of motivation and end up overwhelming themselves with goals that are simply unachievable from where they’re currently at.

Here are some tips for setting fitness goals that you can actually meet.

1) Make them realistic

This is definitely the number one tip in setting any fitness goal.

You want to make a goal that you’ll actually be able to achieve.

For instance, your goal might be to eventually run a 5K.

But, you can’t go from the couch to a 5K runner in just a week or even a month.

Most programs take 9 weeks to get you there.

2) Break them up

Another tip is to think about your big goal and then break it up into multiple milestones.

This makes it easier to track your progress along the way and hitting your milestones will keep you motivated.

For instance, if you have a goal to run a 5k, which is 5 kilometers, aim to run 1 kilometer first, then 2, and so on.

If your goal is weight loss related, aim to lose in small increments, maintain for some time, and then start losing again.

3) Track your progress

Finding a fun way to track your progress will definitely help you see how far you’ve come.

Knowing this will also help you stay motivated even during times where your progress has slowed down, which is bound to happen.

Weight loss isn’t linear.

You might lose 5 pounds in your first week and later struggle to lose just .5 pounds.

Having a progress board or some way to look back on how far you’ve come will help you stay on the right track and remind you that quitting won’t get you any further ahead–it will just move you further back.

4) Ask for help

Finding an accountability partner can be a critical part of staying on track to your fitness success.

Oftentimes, our closest family and friends don’t support our change.

They may think your diet is unhealthy or that you are restricting too many calories.

Or, they may have some other reason for not supporting you.

Regardless, an accountability partner will help you have a like-minded individual to encourage you.

How to Set A Weight Loss Goal

Setting a weight loss goal is about more than just saying “I want to lose 20 pounds”.

You need to figure out how much you want to lose, how quick you want to lose it, and how you’re going to go about it.

Here are the steps you need to take to set yourself up for success.

1) How much do you want to lose?

This is the first question that will define your entire journey.

You might change it down the road, deciding you are happier at a higher weight or maybe wanting to lose a few extra pounds.

Whatever the case may be, you need a goal to begin with.

If you have no idea what a healthy or realistic weight could be for you, just go online and search for a BMI chart.

This will show you healthy weight ranges based on your height, age, and gender.

You’ll see the ranges for overweight, obese, healthy, and underweight.

Pick one in the healthy category as your overall target.

2) How soon do you want to lose it?

Unfortunately, you can’t drop pounds overnight.

But, you can decide realistically how soon you want to lose the weight. It can help you mentally if the target date means something to you.

Maybe it’s the first day of summer, maybe it’s your birthday, maybe it’s a day of your next vacation.

Whatever the case may be, setting a date will help you stay motivated to not put the weight loss off.

Generally, you should not try to lose more than 2 pounds a week.

So, if you want to lose 20 pounds, set a goal for about 10 weeks from now. Keep in mind that your weight loss won’t be linear.

You might lose 5 pounds in your first couple of weeks and then struggle to lose .5 to 1 down the line.

As you near your goal weight, the loss will slow down.

3) What do you need to do to achieve it?

You need to burn 3,500 calories in order to lose 1 pound of fat. If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, that means you need a 7,000 calorie deficit each week (or 1,000 calories per day).

Do the math to figure out how many calories you can consume and how many you need to burn through exercise in order to meet your goal.

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