

6 Dieting Mistakes People Make That Stops Weight Loss

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Are you dieting but cannot seem to shake off as much weight as you want?

If so, chances are you are probably sabotaging yourself despite your hard work. Making the wrong dieting choices can see you take in more calories than you think.

So, what is the right way of dieting? Well, a good place to start would be knowing what not to do.

Check out this list of 6 mistakes people make with their diet that stop them from losing weight.

1) Skipping Meals

Most dieters think that skipping a meal helps to cut back the number of calories taken in during the course of the day.

The truth however is that skipping a meal leaves you hungry thereby setting you up to eat more later on.

Therefore, it is essential that you make it a point to eat at least 3 meals a day even when on a diet. Just make sure the meals are healthy and low in calories.

2) Eating Too Much of Healthy Foods

While this may sound strange, eating copious amounts of healthy foods can actually serve to up your calorie intake.

Just because a certain type of food is considered healthy does not mean that it has zero calories.

So, while a serving of salad is healthier than a plate of chips, that does not give you the license to eat as much salad as you want. Keep in mind that portion control is still necessary even when you are eating healthy foods to lose weight.

3) Taking Supper Early

Unless you are an early sleeper, it is wise to avoid having your supper well before bedtime.

Eating early and then spending the next 5 or so hours awake will see your body use up all the fuel from the ingested food and then demand for more.

The recommendation by dieticians is to eat no less than 2 to 3 hours before you turn in for the night.

This will lessen the chances of you being hit by nightly hunger pangs that will cause you to break your diet.

4) Avoiding Snacks at All Cost

Contrary to popular belief, snacking in between meals does not automatically sabotage one’s diet. In fact, if done right, snacking can work to help a dieter drop more pounds.

Having a snack in between meals will fill up your stomach consequently causing you to eat smaller amounts during mealtimes.

As a result, you reach the end of the day having consumed fewer calories than you would have without snacking.

However, you should be very careful to not overdo it with the snacking, as that can easily ruin a good diet plan.

A smart move would be having a light snack such as a serving of non-fat yoghurt or a handful of strawberries 3 hours after or before a meal.

5) Eating Fast

The best of laid out diets can easily be destroyed with the simple act of eating too fast. Slow eating sends the signal of fullness much faster than fast eating.

For this reason, eating fast poses the risk of overeating. So, regardless of how busy you are, make sure to set aside enough time for eating.

6) Drinking Too Many Calories

While dieters obsess over their calorie intake, they often tend to overlook the calories that are ingested through drinks. Coffee, smoothies, juices, tea, sodas, and even alcohol all have significant calories that can contribute to weight gain if overlooked.

This is why it is important to factor in the drinks you normally take when creating a weight loss diet.

While there is no such thing as a perfect diet with sure-proof results, knowing what to avoid when dieting can get you one step closer to enjoying a successful weight loss.

Therefore, stop making these mistakes and you will find no reason to complain about lackluster results from your weight loss diet.

What is a Healthy Rate to Lose Weight? (And Why You Shouldn’t Try to Lose It Quicker!)

Like most people, if you are trying to lose weight, you probably want to see fast results.

According to health experts however, fast weight loss is actually the least effective way of trying to get into shape. What’s worse, losing a lot of weight too quickly can be dangerous.

So, what is the right way of going about weight loss? This article sheds some light on how to lose weight safely and keep the lost fat from creeping back in.

Why Fast Weight Loss is Bad

If you are looking to enjoy permanent results, trying to lose weight too fast is a bad idea.

This is because fast weight loss can only be achieved through an unhealthy diet that either restricts certain foods, entails the consumption of only liquids (juice, soup, etc) over a period of time, or involves a dramatic cut on calorie intake.

While such diets are fast acting, their results are often short-lived, as the instant you resume normal eating habits, you not only gain back all lost fat but also pack on some extra fat.

In addition to being short-lived, fast weight loss can also cause some dangerous side effects on the body.

Rapid weight loss not only results in significant reduction of body fat but also sees the loss of water weight and lean body mass.

This in turn triggers all manner of negative side effects ranging from irregular heartbeats, to anemia, to formation of gallstones, to lowered metabolism rate, and more.

What is the Recommended Healthy Weight Loss Rate?

When it comes to weight loss, a gradual but consistent reduction in body fat offers the safest and most effective way of ensuring permanent results.

Gradual and consistent weight loss gives the body enough time to adapt to the changes, helps prevent the health risks that come with fast weight loss, and greatly reduces chances of any lost weight from creeping back in. Following this concept, health professionals place the healthy weight loss rate at 1 to 2 pounds a week.

This loosely translates to burning 500 to 1000 more calories than you consume each day.

The great thing about the recommended healthy weight loss rate of 1 to 2 pounds a week is that it is quite easy to achieve.

All you need to do is eat less and exercise more than you usually do.

For instance, with simple dietary changes such as choosing low calorie foods, reducing portion sizes, avoiding sugar-rich snacks, and going for low fat versions of dairy products, you can effortlessly slash around 250 to 500 calories of your normal daily intake.

Combine this with regular activities that burn around 500 calories (e.g. an hour of Zumba, 40 minutes of martial arts blasts, 45 minutes of running up & down a flight of stairs, or an hour of tennis) and you will be well on your way to achieving a healthy weight.

For best results go for weightlifting and strengthening exercises as well since they increase muscle mass and resting metabolic rate thereby enabling you to burn more calories.

A fitness tracker will make a great investment too, as it helps you to easily monitor your calorie input and output and therefore achieve the targeted caloric deficit.

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