

How to Do Interval Training with Weights

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Interval training can be done in a variety of ways. It can be done using bodyweight exercises or with running, or it can be done with exercises using different types of fitness equipment.

One of the most common types of fitness equipment used to create resistance during interval training is weights.

You can use several types of weights with interval training including barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, and even weighted medicine balls. There are many weighted exercises you can use during an interval training workout.

You can do intervals using one exercise or multiple exercises. You’re limited only by your imagination.

If you’re interested in interval training with weights, you’re in the right place to learn some different ways to do interval training with weights.

Perform the same lift for each exercise interval

You can choose one lift to do during your workout and alternate that lift with a period of rest.

This is a common way to lift weights. Your speed will depend greatly on which exercise you’re performing and how safe it is to perform quickly.

After you’ve performed several rounds of intervals, you can move on to another exercise or lift. It’s a good idea to alternate upper and lower body exercises.

Switch between an upper body lift and a lower body lift for alternating intervals

Another way to use interval training with weights is to alternate between two different lifts without a rest period between.

This is done alternating between an upper body and lower body exercise or lift. This is called super-setting, and it’s a common way to do high-intensity weightlifting.

Use a different lift for each interval

If you want more variety, you may consider using a different lift or exercise for each interval. You can do each exercise for back to back intervals or you can alternate the exercises with periods of rest.

It’s always a good idea to arrange the exercises in a way where you’re not working the same muscles in consecutive intervals.

This is less of an issue if you keep rest sets between the exercise sets.

Alternate a weighted exercise with a bodyweight exercise

A fun way to train using intervals is to do one interval with a weighted exercise, and then do an interval with a bodyweight exercise.

You can do these using different muscle groups consecutively, or you can do a weighted exercise, followed by the same exercise without weight.

For example, you could do weighted squats, and then bodyweight squats.

Alternate between weighted exercises and cardiovascular exercise

If you want to get in a great workout, you could alternate between weighted exercise and cardiovascular exercise.

You could alternate a weighted exercise with an interval on an exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical, or with sprints outside.

The types of exercises you choose will depend largely on your fitness goals and fitness level.

Interval training with weights is an excellent way to add variety to your workouts.

You can combine weighted exercises with bodyweight exercises or cardiovascular exercise to create a custom workout that you will enjoy doing.

Experiment with different exercises and lifts so that you can keep your workouts fun and exciting.

4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Short Workouts

Not everybody has the time for long workouts, so if you only ever manage to get to the gym for half an hour or less, you should use the time to make your sessions as effective as possible.

Here are some of the ways that you can maximize your exercise sessions and make the most of them.

1) Warm up

People who do short exercise sessions are always more likely to skip the warm up, thinking of it as a waste of time.

However, without warming up, you will put yourself at risk of getting pains and injuries, and you won’t be able to exercise at your optimum capacity and levels.

This means that failing to warm up for 3-5 minutes before working out could mean that you greatly decrease the effectiveness of the next 25 minutes.

2) Incorporate exercise into your daily routine

Rather than getting ready and spending an additional 30 minutes in the gym every day after work, you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine somehow.

This might mean not getting the bus in the morning and cycling into work instead.

Alternatively, get up 20 minutes earlier and walk to a bus stop which is further away from your house (but closer to your place of work, thus cutting time spent on public transport).

3) Try interval training

Interval training is one of the best ways to burn calories, so although you might not be working out for a large amount of time, you’ll definitely be working out at a more intense level than usual.

You should spend around 45 seconds working out at your maximum capacity, and then around a minute cooling down and letting your heart rate decrease.

You can do interval training either with cardio, such as running or cycling, or you should do it with weights by increasing the weight or number of reps.

4) Make it more intense

Rather than having to work out for longer, you can simply work out harder if you want to burn more calories and make the most of your workout.

This could be increasing the incline on the treadmill or choosing a different route to run in order to challenge yourself.

It could be trying to swim an extra length or two at the swimming pool during your session, or lifting slightly heavier than you’re used to.

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