

Tone Fitness Walking Dumbbells Review

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For fitness enthusiasts who want to take their walking routines to the next level, what better way to do so than carrying some light weights with these walking dumbbells from Tone Fitness? They’re designed to add little more upper body effort to your workout. Besides walking, you can also use them during jogging, yoga, Zumba, or even physical therapy routines.

Features of the Tone Fitness Walking Dumbbells

When Tone Fitness designed these walking dumbbells, they had comfort, functionality, and quality in mind. This is evident in the choice of materials and design that was used to make the dumbbells. In terms of features, here’s what to expect:

  • Different Weight Sizes Available

One of the great features of these walking dumbbells is that they come in different weight sizes. The pink, green and purple pairs weigh 1, 2, and 3 pounds respectively. As a result, you can choose the weights that you find most comfortable. Alternatively, simply purchase the entire set of 6 dumbbells and enjoy the flexibility of varying the intensity of aerobic workouts by choosing different weight sizes.

  • Comfortable Neoprene Coating

Thanks to the neoprene coating, these dumbbells have a nice and soft texture, and feel comfortable to hold. They don’t get sticky either even if you have sweaty palms.

  • Adjustable Velcro Straps With Reflective Strips

It can be somewhat challenging to maintain a tight grasp on walking dumbbells when doing cardio workouts. However, that won’t be a problem with these weights from Tone Fitness since they come with adjustable Velcro straps that prevent slipping. The straps can be removed but they prevent the dumbbells from rolling on the ground during storage. They also feature a reflective strip that makes you visible to motorists when going for walks or jogs outdoors at dusk or dawn.

Are the Tone Fitness Walking Dumbbells Worth Buying?

If you’re looking for a way to take your cardio workouts a notch higher, then these walking dumbbells are worth every penny. They offer a fantastic way to tone arm muscles when doing aerobic workouts. The best part is they’re well-made and very affordable.


  • The soft textured Neoprene coating allows for a comfortable grip.
  • No slip adjustable Velcro straps.
  • Different sizes available.
  • Sold at amazingly low prices.


  • Some customers claim that the dumbbells have a funny smell when new, but it fades away with time.
  • The weights may seem tiny if you have really large hands.


The Tone Fitness Walking dumbbells provide everything that you could ever ask for in a pair of arm weights for intensifying aerobic routines. They’re comfortable to grip, have adjustable straps, and come in a variety of sizes from which to choose. Overall, these walking dumbbells provide good value for the price.

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