

Nokia Body+ – Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale Review

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The Nokia wi-fi scale is an absolutely great investment if you’re trying to keep an accurate record of your weight.

Key Features

  • Automatically syncs with Health Mate app.
  • Tracks a wide variety of information, including weight, body fat, and much more.
  • Ability to set a weight goal.
  • Supports up to 8 unique users.
  • Compatible with Android and iOS.

Is the Nokia Body+ Wi-Fi Scale Worth Your Money?

Unlike a lot of scales out there, the Nokia doesn’t just give you your total weight in lb. it gives you a lot more information.

For example, you get how much of your total weight is actually water weight.

Likewise, you also get information about how much body fat you currently have and what your bone mass is as well. If you’re trying to lose weight, this sort of information is very useful.

Another very useful feature is the ability to use the scale (and the associated app) to plan out your day.

You can set a weight goal for the day and then plan out your nutritional plan for the day to support that weight goal.

Likewise, the scale gives you a personalized weather report, so that you can tailor your workout for the day based on the weather forecast.

On the technical side of things, the scale works very well.

It doesn’t take very long to sync at all.

Setup takes a minute or two at most (although the overall speed is going to be heavily influenced by the quality of your wi-fi, so keep this in mind).

Once the app and scale are paired, you never have to bother syncing the two again.

Data from both the scale and the app will be automatically transferred between the two.

Finally, it should also be mentioned that this scale is great for families because it can support up to eight unique users.

Switching between user profiles isn’t difficult at all, and in fact, the Nokia Body+ is capable of recognizing who is using the scale.

The Nokia+ is designed to work the Health Mate app (which is also made by Nokia).

You can sync it with other weight loss apps, but to get the most out of the scale, you’re going to want to use Nokia’s own app.

This is a bit of a downside, especially if you are really in love with using a different weight loss app, but ultimately the Health Mate isn’t bad and switching over to it is pretty easy.

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