High Intensity Interval Training: Burn Fat Faster with 60-Plus High-Impact Exercises Review
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If you are in the mood for a new exercise routine, either because your current one isn’t working or because you just feel like changing things up, then you may be interested in High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT for short).
This is a relatively new and effective training regimen that excels at helping people to burn calories.
If you want to learn about routines and exercises that can be used as part of a HIIT regimen, then you will want to check out High Intensity Interval Training:
Burn Fat Faster with 60-Plus High-Impact Exercises by Sean Bartram. In this review, you will see why this book is worth your time.
Key Features of High Intensity Interval Training: Burn Fat Faster with 60-Plus High-Impact Exercises
- Written by Sean Bartram, a professional trainer who has worked with several NFL teams.
- Designed to be easy to understand and very readable.
- Contains over 60 different exercises targeting every muscle group.
- 240 pages; comes in Kindle and in paperback.
Is High Intensity Interval Training: Burn Fat Faster with 60-Plus High-Impact Exercises Worth Your Money?
A diet or exercise book’s quality depends almost entirely on the author.
You need an author who has some clue what they’re talking about, otherwise, they just end up wasting your time.
The author of this particular book is Sean Bartram.
Not only has he written several exercise books before that were well-received (including a few on HIIT), but he also has professional experience.
He worked for several professional sports teams and even trained the cheerleaders for the Indianapolis Colts.
So, the author brings a good base of knowledge to the table and you can have confidence that what you read in the book is correct.
The actual book itself is really well-done.
It devotes a tiny bit of space to discussing the exercise regimen itself as well as how to recover after a session.
However, the vast majority of the book is dedicated to walking you through various HIIT routines.
In other words, there is minimal fluff and the book gets straight to what you actually want, which is a nice change of pace from many other exercise books.
The book is a pretty easy read overall and everything is explained in detail, so it’s simple to follow along. You can get the book in your preferred format, either eBook or paperback.