

Beachbody FOCUS T25 DVD Workout Program by Shaun T Review

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Focus T25 is one of the most popular DVD home workouts on the market.

The premise of Focus T25 is to “get an hours results in just 25 minutes a day”.

The idea behind this is, if you focus on high intensity exercise for 25 minutes, without a break, you can indeed gain the same amount of fitness and burn as many calories as more traditional, hour long workouts.

The other big benefit is that most people can find 25 minutes a day to workout, especially if they can obtain the same results as alternative programs.

For busy people, taking an hour or more out of their schedule to workout can get old very quickly.

Once the initial buzz of starting the program wears off, there won’t be much incentive left to keep going, it just doesn’t seem worth it sometimes.

However, if it’s just a case of finding 25 minutes, it can easily be done.

You could slip in a workout before breakfast and not lose much time from your morning routine, or do a 25 minute session when you come home from work.

It doesn’t feel like you’re using up a whole lot of time and becomes much more likely you will continue to program completion, obtaining full results.

What’s included in the FOCUS T25 Base Kit?

9 DVD’s Including 11 Workouts

10 main workouts, and 1 bonus spread out over 9 DVD’s.

This set is billed as the “Base Kit”, which is separated over two cycles: ALPHA and BETA.

The 3rd phase, “GAMMA” needs to be purchased separately after completion of ALPHA and BETA.

Cycle 1: ALPHA

ALPHA cycle is designed for beginners to the program, in to build a fitness foundation for later cycles to build on.

As the title suggests, each workout is 25 minutes long. Workouts on the ALPHA cycle include:

  1. Cardio
    Speed 1.0
    Total Body Circuit
    Ab Intervals
    Lower Focus

ALPHA cycle is completed over 5 weeks, readying the body for cycle two.

Cycle 2: BETA

Workouts on BETA cycle include:

  1. Core Cardio
    Speed 2.0
    Rip’t Circuit
    Dynamic Core
    Upper Focus

Bonus workout: Stretch

Focus T25 is a 6 day a week program, but day 6 of each week is the bonus “stretch” workout, which is more of a rewarding exercise after a week of hard work.

Quick Start Guide

The quick start guide and 5-day Fast Track takes you through each day, step by step. Each daily workout shows the corresponding DVD, menu and snacks, and tips and tricks.

Workout Calendars

ALPHA and BETA cycles have their own calendar to track progress, show you which workout for which day, and check off each day after completion.

B-LINES Resistance Band

This 15 lb resistance band is included, but only needs to be used in 2 of the BETA cycle workouts.

As you progress, you may want to upgrade to higher resistance, but 15 lb is a good starting point.

Nutrition Guide

The nutrition guide includes quick meal plans that fit in well with the workouts.

Each small meal takes only 5 minutes to prepare, and contains 5 ingredients.

FOCUS T25 is an excellent home workout program, designed primarily for those with hectic schedules with little time to devote to fitness.

The beauty of the system is that most people could find 25 minutes in a day, ensuring a higher success rate compared to alternatives.

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